What is Gout?

Gout does not have to be a disease that is caused by being poor or ancestors of kings. You just need to enjoy good food and avoid overeating. Obesity is the main factor that makes it worse. You should be aware of the factors that can increase uric acid levels, such as alcohol consumption (mainly beer), red meat, and seafood. Hyperuricemia, which is an increase in uric acid, can be precipitated by certain drugs, such as antihypertensives and diuretics. Find out more about this condition and how you can avoid it. There are many natural remedies for gout: Home Remedies For Gout

What is Gout?

Gout is a rheumatic condition that results in the formation of uric acids crystals (urate modium monohydrate) within certain joints. These crystals can stimulate and promote the formation of inflammatory mediators (urate mosodium monohydrate) in certain joints. They are then phagocytized from defense blood cells (monoliths polymorphonuclear), which will result in pain, limitation, destruction, and deformity.

The metatarsophalangeal (or first toe) joint is most commonly affected. However, it’s possible that the instep, ankle, knee, knee, knuckles, wrist, and instep may also be affected. The initial attacks affect one joint, but they can become more frequent and inflame more joints. One of the best natural supplements against gout you will find here: Gout Treatment

How do we determine if we have Gout?

These clinical features, along with elevated uric acid have been used as a basis for suspected diagnosis. It is possible to diagnose gout by looking at the synovial fluid in your joint with a polarized microscope. You can also see the crystals of uric acids in the fluid. osteoarthritis, which can mimic a gout attack in its inflammatory phases.

Gout can warn us about other issues you might have

Hyperuricemia, which is found in one in three patients, is a sign of a metabolic disorder (triple-X syndrome or insulin resistance). This is when the patient has or will have obesity, dyslipidemia, increased triglycerides, cholesterol, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and a high chance of myocardial injury, stroke with brain hemorhage, and other serious health problems. The presence of uric acids should be a sign that there are other issues. In this channel you will find everything you need to know about Gout: Gout Home Remedy

In these cases, the increased levels of uric acids are a result of an excess intake of calories and the inability of the kidneys to remove uric acid. It is strongly recommended that you lose weight if you find yourself in this situation. Hyperuricemia can be treated without the use of any drugs.

What can be done to fix it?

The treatment should reduce inflammation and remove uric acid crystals from the joint. This will prevent future attacks. You should follow a series dietary guidelines to avoid the production of uric acids. To eliminate uric acid crystals inside the joint, some of these medications must be taken for at most nine months. Patients will need to continue taking it for the rest of their lives, if they don’t want to experience gouty episodes or progressive joint destruction. Here you can learn more about the symptoms of gout: Gout Symptoms

Lose weight if you’re obese. This is the most fundamental, basic and difficult step to take if you want to improve your health or cure yourself. While it can be convenient to cut down on alcohol, it is important that you avoid beer. Beer contains an amino acid called Guanosine, which greatly increases the metabolism of purines, leading to the production of uric acids. As a good hedonist, I believe it is possible to eat foods as delicious as seafood and meat, provided you are moderate.

We know that a strict monastic diet without all these products only reduces blood uric acid by 0.5g/dl. This is a small amount considering the sacrifices many of my patients make. I believe that the best thing is to lose weight (if you’re obese), stop drinking beer completely, and be careful with the rest (wines, seafood, etc. ). Gout also requires a good diet, you can read about it here: Gout Diet